sobota 1. novembra 2014


Streda, 29. október 2014. "Happy day". Zásielka dorazila. Urobili drobnú chybičku a namiesto karnitínu mi poslali glutamín, ale nevadí, momentálne je to v procese riešenia problému.
Kúpili sme si aj nejaké to ochutené pivko na ochutnanie, keďže len dva dni predtým (v pondelok) mi tiež prišiel nový mobil z Číny - mali sme čo oslavovať. :)
No, veľmi rýchlo sme zistili, že proteíny chutia ako sr*čka (hlavne pomarančová príchuť) a že byť fit nie je med lízať... xD ale i tak vytrváme na našej ceste aj naďalej.
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Wednesday, 29 October 2014. Happy day. The delivery arrived. They made a little mistake and sent me glutamine instead of carnitine, but it doesn't matter, currently it's in the process of solving the problem.
We also bought some flavoured beer to try because only two days before (on Monday) my new phone arrived from China as well - we had so much to celebrate. :)
Well, very soon we found out that the proteins taste like sh*t (especially with the orange flavour) and it's not that easy to be fit... xD but we'll keep on our journey either way.

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Sobota, 1. november 2014. Môj večerný workout so skvelou motivačnou hudbou (môžete ju nájsť tu: ) a proteínovým šejkom s cookie príchuťou. Zistila som, že i keď pomarančová príchuť chutí strašne, čokoláda a cookie sú vcelku dobré a je možné vypiť ich bez zvracania, len s troškou snahy. Teším sa ako vyskúšam kokos a jahodu.
Takto ja vítam november! Vitaj, môj mesiac. :*
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Saturday, 1 November 2014. My evening workout with some great motivation music (you can find it here: ) and cookie-flavoured protein shake. I discovered that although the orange flavour tastes terribly, chocolate and cookie are quite good and it's possible to drink it without vomiting, taking just a little effort. I'm looking forward to trying the coconut and strawberry.
This is how I welcome November! Welcome, my month. :*


Follow me on instagram: kristen_midnightsun

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